Thursday 7 March 2013

Stage 2 completed: 2 month of blogging

I started tracking my blogging spirit on StatDiary. It's like a real roller coaster. Seeing on the chart it's even more interesting. For the ones who interested let me give you a quick summary about the last 2 month.
I'm very happy I was able to keep up the 1 post / day rule. Now I should have more posts this year than the 4 years before in total. There were easier and harder days, of course. Sometimes I have the perfect topic in my head, I have the energy and it goes like a charm. Some day it's just a pain in the arse. Sometimes I'm really tired, or don't want to do anything or just arrived home from a pub after 4am. I knew it won't be a shiny glittery enterprise blog, but trust me, there are time when you just want to get home and sleep.

On the other hand it's great to have it as a standard daily action. I don't even think of missing any. I'm getting better at selecting topics each time I have a huge mental breakdown. I thought 2 month ago that maintaining a mindmap will help to work out ideas. Wanted to sit in a caffe bar and just notch down as many ideas as I can. But it's not working. What I do is each time I have something I make a note. 5 words maximum. But then I have only couple of days to write the actual post. Otherwise the spirit flies away. And it's like a boner. You have to have somebody close to you to feel it. It's not working that you want to write something the next week. It either happens when you want it or you have to look for another one (topic).

Also I had to decrease my character number a bit in order to remove the BS part. When I was at primary school I was the laziest kid ever. So my teacher (an my grandma) had an idea - I had to write a small essay every day. About cakes, bus stops, life or vacation, bla bla. And I think I'm the cut-to-the-chase type, I like orders and short sentences. But that doesn't fill a paper, so I had to use extra words all the time - which I realized I do in my blog as well. But it doesn't have to be long. I think the only trick is to explain the importance of that tiny information you're providing. That's why I don't like twitter that much. It's full with sources of amazing sites but there is simply no space to explain why I should click on a link.

I'm using my blog writer tool a lot, all the time when I use code in the text. It turned to be quite useful. I use the creative commons search website to look for cover images. And one trick I've realized is that I have to download the image and upload to blogspot in order to see it back on Facebook when I link the article. Probably copyright reasons.

I've got many supportive and positive feedbacks - thank you so much for every person who read my blog or left a comment - or liked on any social media. Thank you!

My statistics are stabilized around 60-70 daily unique visitors. One of the interesting part of the statistics that most users are coming from For me it tells that StackExchange profile is very important.

About the pros and cons. I stress less when I'm thinking of the daily topic in the evening. I spend usually 10 - 40 minutes to figure out what I want to write about. Btw, that's a lot of time when you have  couple of hrs free time after work. I'm really happy that people are reading my blog and maybe got something useful out of it. It produced me many new GitHub repositories (9 new this year) and I managed to look into some new technologies as well.
But it also steal my time. I cannot spend too much on coding and learning. I cannot just come home and sleep. -- Oh well, positive side is still stronger :)

What's next? I have some bigger ideas. I wanted to have dedicated weeks. For example to have a week of learning Go. Or CoffeeScript. Or Varnish. There are hundreds of things that could be learned easily - but it's not fun enough alone. And also - I don't have much - probably neither you - so it's perfect. I also would like to improve on my SEO a bit. Filling out my online profiles and cleaning the design a bit. I was thought of having interviews with supersmart people. Or some similar experiment.

And finally - I love this blog. It pretty much provides to the world I intend to tell: I love technology and I want everybody to love it because it's awesome.




  1. Im not sure since I when I've start to keep an eye on you or where I did find you in the www but I've never regret it.
    Even if I've always enjoyed your writeup without leaving a comment.
    Your blog especially your topics are great and well written. Thank you for your effort and keep on doing what you do.
    (And special thanks to your teacher and grandma.)
    ...last but not least: lazy developer are the best developer. Half-lazy developer are the worst and non-lazy devs doesn't exist.

  2. Hi Lars,

    Thank you very much for your nice words. I know commenting is a bit strange, I have that too. If it's not instant and live then sometimes it doesn't worth the effort. At least here I get email notifications but that's one site.
    About the lazy developers - that's an interesting question. I know what you think and I agree with that part. Lazy developers tend to be more efficient. However I believe efficiency has a drawback when it's about complex APIs. I've seen it in open source many times when a library or framework has a sophisticated way of doing thing then devs are doing shortcuts. Which works in a small environment in some cases - but then it's not flexible. But in general being efficient doesn't mean to neglect standards, so you're right.
    Thanks for you comment :)


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